Sunday, December 27, 2009

Something to think about

My family and I were reading Genesis 48 and talking about how when Jacob blessed Manasseh and Ephraim he gave Ephraim the bigger blessing.Which poses a question.If Ephraim got a bigger blessing then why when they were going into Canaan later on Manasseh got more land and had more people? My brother made the comment that While Manasseh got more land, in ch.47 Ephraim was the one to hold the two sticks to unit Joseph and Judah.So while Manasseh had more people, Ephraim was the one to bring the two tribes together. Just Something to think about:-).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's December and where I live it's just now starting to get cool.I grew up mostly in the New England area so not having snow by now is a big deal,and while my sibilings and I love the snow most of my friends here have never even seen it! It doesn't even feel like winter and friends up north are alredy having snow ball fights,and making snow tunals. Aahhh! How I miss real winters!!